pretty good...
I admire the fact that you actually spent two years working with flash before you posted this. There are so many people out there who post every little test animation or lame stick figure fight they make.
So thank your for that.
Drawings were pretty good. The robot looked rEeally good. The scientist coulda used some more... maybe not such perfect rectangles for his legs and arms. draw them by hand and maybe add folds and whatnot.
Animation was pretty good though there wasn't a whole lot of movement, but what was there looked fine.
Story was kinda.... I dunno, at first I was like "great not another rebel robot movie" but then it had one of those twist/humorous endings, so ... that's better than if you had kept going. But yeah, I still complement you for having a story. People these days seem to value violence over stories... dumb kids
good job overall.